Growing up, my family struggled financially. However, I was not aware of this as my parents had never shared their financial difficulties with me. As I grew older and became less ignorant of this fact, I realised that my family’s financial struggles stemmed from poor financial habits and a family member who had a gambling problem. In 2015, my dad was diagnosed with cancer. Thankfully, we had an agent who taught us the importance of getting financial protection prior, and this ensured that his cancer treatment and other medical fees were covered by our hospitalisation coverage. While this coverage did help to tide us financially through that difficult time, my family’s financial struggles continued.

Then it dawned on me that long-term financial success is not only about purchasing the right coverage, it is also about making sound financial decisions and instilling better financial habits. With this realisation, and being a beneficiary of insurance myself, I set upon acquiring skills and knowledge and am on a mission to educate friends and loved ones on the importance of proper financial planning as I believe that everyone
needs it, even if not all can see the significance of it.

The world needs more competent financial consultants.
Many people are ignorant of the importance of financial planning and the onus is on us as financial consultants to advocate and educate them. My vision is to transform the financial advisory industry, and I firmly believe that as long as we’re able to positively impact just one person, that is enough reason to keep ourselves going. That is my purpose.

Be the advocate everyone needs.
Although I cannot guarantee what the future holds, I do my best to serve my present and future clients well by advocating the importance of financial planning. The last thing I want is for a financial catastrophe to happen to anyone I know.

Train those with the heart to help.
Ultimately, my goal is to lead a budding team of young, hopeful individuals with the willingness to serve, and I plan to start achieving it from today. To me, the most important traits in a financial consultant are having good discipline and habits, as well as being able to see their purpose in this life.


AIA FA Prestige Club (Titanium) 2024, 2023 and 2022

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Personal Wealth Manager) 2024

Million Dollar Round Table 2024, 2023 and 2022

International Dragon Award – Bronze Dragon Award (Agent Category) 2024, 2023 and 2022

100 IDA Team Award 2024, 2023 and 2022

Associate Estate Planning Practitioner (AEPP®️)

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1800 248 8000


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