After graduating from Temasek Polytechnic, I was working as a graphic designer. During this time, I, unfortunately, suffered an episode of pneumothorax which required me to seek immediate treatment at the hospital. From this incident, I realised that although my dad had purchased some form of insurance coverage, we were unsure of what coverage I had and if it was sufficient to cover my bills. To make things worse, since the purchase of the policy, our servicing agent was nowhere in sight for the past 20 years so we were left stranded with no one to seek guidance from. I decided to take matters into my own hands and started to learn more about insurance and I found it to be something I had a growing passion for. 

After getting to know the AAG’s warm culture, I fell in love with the company’s drive which focuses on values and personal growth. My mentor, Reuben Choo, is also instrumental in helping me decide to take the leap of faith. It has been 3 years since and I am now an aspiring associate director leading a team of 6 driven and competent financial consultants. I am proud to have clinched the International Dragon Award (“IDA”) – Bronze Dragon Awards, Million Dollar Round Table memberships for 2 consecutive years as well as being a part of the 100 IDA Team Award and a member of the AIA Financial Advisers Prestige Titanium Club in 2021 and 2022. I am also a certified Associate Estate Planning Practitioner, AEPP™️ . 


Filial piety and impacting positive change

My key motivational factor is the ability to provide well for my parents. I believe that the rate of my success has to be faster than the rate at which my parents age. I also hope to positively impact and change how financial consultants are viewed. We have all heard of unpleasant stories of improper salesmen in this industry and given my earlier personal encounter, it is my goal to change that stigma of this industry. By eliminating the negative stigma as well as integrating my knowledge of communication design, I hope to be able to change the way advisory is executed as well as serve my clients better and that motivates me as a financial consultant.


Finding fulfilment in my role

Servicing our clients involves many aspects as it isn’t merely a sales job. We spend hours analysing each situation, summarising policies for clarity, assisting with claims, and annual reviews while keeping ourselves updated on the investment climate and industry changes, and constantly upgrading our skills sets, all to better serve our clients. So when my clients acknowledge my efforts and show their appreciation with kind words of encouragement or by introducing their loved ones to me, these are the moments when I remember how rewarding my job is. 


Being coachable is a crucial trait

Being in the industry is not going to be easy but it will be fulfilling. My advice to new financial consultants is to prepare yourself for the challenges ahead, especially in the initial years. I hope to inspire my associates to achieve their greatest potential and always have discipline and empathy, and most importantly, remain coachable and open to learning.


AIA FA Prestige Club (Titanium) 2024, 2023, 2022 and 2021
Million Dollar Round Table 2024, 2023, 2022 and 2021

International Dragon Award – Bronze Dragon Award (Agent Category) 2024, 2023, 2022 and 2021

100 IDA Team Award 2024, 2023, 2022 and 2021

Associate Estate Planning Practitioner (AEPP®️)

Certificate in Financial Needs Analysis and Plan Construction


Chew Weilin (Art Director)

As a young working adult, I was clueless about what type of insurance plans were available and Joanna made me aware of what I’m lacking in my portfolio and what I’ll need at my current stage of life. She is very genuine, truthful and personable. She has the ability to make people feel very well taken care of. She is very detailed and I like how she combined her graphic design skill and designed her starter pack to introduce financial planning very easily to her clients. Thank you Joanna for helping me with my portfolio!

Priscilla Pang (Creative Director)

Joanna is good at balancing her clients’ interests with understanding and empathy. She clarifies my doubts and highlights issues I might have overlooked, which I appreciate. She has a genuine heart for the people she services which make her stand out from the regular crowd. Not just an advisor but a friend!

Gabriel Ng (Photographer)

I’ve had a pleasant experience with Joanna. She has been informative, and most importantly, she doesn’t hard sell, breaking my previous preconceived notion of what agents do. She told me very honestly what I need and what I don’t need and that honesty will go a long way. Thank you for being so patient and informative. No frills and no obligation, Joanna is here to help you and to ensure everything is in check. 🙂

Dominic Tay (Car Sales Executive)

Hey Joanna, thank you for being the best financial advisor anyone can ask for. You have not only opened up my heart but also my eyes to the world of protection and investing to make sure that as I stay on track to attaining a proper retirement life, I have proper risk protection in place to transfer the risk away. Being one that has many doubts and fears when it comes to investing, I would say you did an excellent job in explaining to me the pros and cons. In a different context, you made me feel like you were holding my hand and taking each step with me into unknown territory. The last time someone did this with me was my mum walking me into primary school. Once again, thank you for being a friend I can count on as well as my finance.

Amanda Lim (Advancement Coordinator)

Joanna is able to explain policies and numbers in infographics and layman’s terms. Her ability to bridge insurance into layman is admirable. I have encountered insurance agents who were not able to speak from a humane point of view and often found it to be an annoyance rather than informative. Joanna is interested in knowing her clients both on a work and personal level. It’s evident that she truly cares about her client and will be with them long term.

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