As a psychology student, I was thankful to have picked up facilitative skills in my course of study that had a huge impact on my decision to pursue a career that’s people-oriented. While looking for a suitable career, I stumbled upon a career showcase in my agency, AAG, allowing me to have a glimpse at the career before committing to a contract. At the event, I was blown away by how there were more than 50 people in the management cohort that has seemingly more work commitments but chooses to contribute back to the organisation by making sure that the agency has strong systems that can support the whole group. That got me thinking about what kind of culture and growth this industry and group must have to inculcate such values, and the rest was history.

Creating tangible impact
Initially, I joined for the ability to have accountability for my time so that I could be an effective caretaker for my mum who was in and out of the hospital. Eventually, what made me stay on was the meaningful relationships I’ve forged along the way and the tangible impact I’ve made on my clients and colleagues which gives me immense satisfaction.

Be the busiest person in the room
I actively corner myself with commitments and contributions to be constantly on my toes. My mentor taught me that if we want things to get done, it’s best to give it to the busiest person in the room. That is also how I challenge myself and make myself grow and realise my potential.

Be a proactive learner
Your mentor will never want you to do badly, and the key is to be proactive in asking what’s next and constantly reflect on what can be done better. We will never be able to know until we do. To conquer the island, we must first burn the boats that got us to where we were. That’s the only way to fully commit and put our 100% into our decisions.


AIA FA Prestige Club (Silver) 2024

AIA FA Prestige Club (Titanium) 2023 and 2022

AIA FA Prestige Club (Gold) 2021

International Dragon Award – Bronze Dragon Award (Agent Category) 2023, 2022 and 2021

100 IDA Team Award 2023, 2022 and 2021

Associate Specialist in Estate Planning


Jia Wei

Louis pays a lot of attention to detail and makes sure my mother and I are clear on what we are doing.


Louis did many things for me that my previous FA missed out on, and the greatest takeaway from that is his genuine concern to improve my life and well-being.


I like how everything is explained deliberately in layman terms so it is easier for us to understand.

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