Starting my journey with AIA back in September 1997, after a five-year tenure in the banking sector, marked the beginning of an enriching career path that I could never have imagined. Fresh out of NUS Business School in 1992, I began my professional life as a Credit and Marketing Officer. As I moved through the ranks in the banking industry, the long hours and stagnant income prompted me to seek a career that would reward my efforts more directly. The world of financial advisory beckoned, offering me the chance to truly embody the role of an entrepreneur.

The early days were filled with challenges, but they paved the way for significant achievements. By my first full year, I had clinched the MDRT and Centurion awards, along with the companywide Top Rookie Award, affirming my decision to venture into financial advisory. Leadership called in January 2001, and since then, my focus has shifted towards agency building, grooming numerous MDRT producers, and ultimately earning the title of AIA’s 11th Master Director in 2018 — a testament to over 25 years of dedication.

What keeps me driven has evolved over the years — from the initial allure of income and recognition to the profound satisfaction of seeing my advisors flourish and make their loved ones proud. This career has granted me the invaluable opportunity to transform knowledge and time into meaningful work, safeguarding countless individuals against life’s uncertainties.

I believe the essence of a successful financial consultant can be encapsulated in MDRT: a strong Mindset, Disciplined habits, the ability to build Relationships, and Teamwork. For those contemplating this profession, the key is to hold a firm belief in your potential for success, find a mentor who aligns with your aspirations, and maintain faith in yourself, the products, and the guidance you receive.

My personal narrative, especially the experience of losing my father at a young age and facing financial hardship, deeply informs my approach to advising clients. It’s a poignant reminder of the vital role insurance plays in providing security and stability.


AIA FA Pinnacle Club (Gold Organisation) 2024

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Executive Personal Wealth Manager) 2024

AIA FA High Net Worth Organisation 2024

Top Of The Table – Qualifying & Life Member 2024


Cami Soh, Director of Operations

I was unable to claim on my policies due to poor advice from my previous advisor. I was introduced to Winnie and she focused on understanding my concerns before recommending any solutions. I was convinced of her sincerity and eventually entrusted my family’s insurance planning to her.

Ken Lee, University Professor

I was serviced by Winnie since Army and it took me a while for me to appreciate the benefits of financial planning. Without her relentless follow-up, I would not have gone to the extent of systematically planning my retirement years and children’s education.

Jeslyn Phua, Senior Executive

Winnie delivers her service through sound advice, prompt response and an immaculate claims process supported by her staff. I am very assured of the level of commitment Winnie has for all clients despite the many hats she has to wear.

Lyndon Lim, Senior FA

I joined Winnie ever since my Uni Days and upon graduation, I became a Full Time Advisor through AIA EPS Scheme. I appreciated Winnie’s strict mentorship and activity management system which helped me achieve my MDRT within the first year of my graduation.

Adriann Ang and David Ng, Directors

We are the first few advisors recruited by Winnie and we were subsequently given opportunities to promote to leadership. Currently Directors under WFG Organisation, we appreciate the organized framework and disciplined culture which allowed us to focus on recruiting and growing our people.

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