I decided to embark on this journey to learn more about finance as I particularly enjoy it. While learning and going through the training, my mentors shared with me how this business can directly impact someone’s life in what we do. After thinking for about 2 months, I decided to give this role a shot. I really like that it provides me with the freedom to explore different ways of growing my business, and it also helps me develop a high
sense of self-awareness towards the impact I can make on someone’s life.


Seeking personal and professional growth.

Beyond competency as a consultant, I really wanted to develop myself personally as well. I truly believe we are the average of the 5 people we hang out with. I knew I had to stay around individuals who are constantly pushing and stretching their potential, and it helps me challenge my goals to dream bigger. If your dreams do not scare you, you are not aiming big enough.


Taking charge of one’s life.

Being a financial consultant, I feel that I have gained clarity on how to take charge of my life. I have learned what it means to be accountable by shouldering responsibilities and knowing how to deal with difficult, impromptu situations. Most importantly, I’ve learned how to cultivate my mindset to fit into different situations, to not let success get into my head and to not let failure get into my heart.


Be transparent and authentic.

People will only truly trust you once you are able to show transparency and authenticity in your work ethic and your daily life. People are our source of business, and we need to win their trust in order to succeed.


1st Runner-up Producer, HNW Prestige Club Awards (Highest Personal Affluent ANP) 2022

3rd Runner-up, Top Financial Consultant 2022

AIA FA Prestige Club (Diamond) 2024

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Executive Personal Wealth Manager) 2024 and 2023

AIA Centurion Club 2023

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Senior Personal Wealth Manager) 2022

AIA FA Prestige Club (Platinum) 2022

Million Dollar Round Table 2024 and 2022

International Dragon Award – Bronze Dragon Award (Agent Category) 2024, 2023 and 2022

100 IDA Team Award 2024, 2023 and 2022

Court of the Table 2023

Bachelor of Business in Banking and Finance (Penultimate Student)


Ernst Kwa

I liked that there was no judgement on my current financial situation. I also liked how you were able to answer my question with a very in-depth explanation. At the same time, it also answered my other questions. you knew the right amount of info to give without confusing your audience who might have 0 ideas about the topic. Throughout my experiences with different FAs or individuals who invest, most of them were a little condescending and constantly pushed for investment plans like a product rather than thinking from where the client stands. I liked that I do not see that in you, as you made sure to plan and use your expertise to advise accordingly and provide professional opinions for the client. it was a really good experience.


I like the fact that you created examples on the spot, explaining and writing them down rather than reading from pre-made slides, it feels more engaging. You also asked questions along the way to gauge our understanding. Overall, a delightful experience! Looking forward to the next session!

Kai Tao

I felt like the first session was pretty informative where you broke down the basics of investment and how to smartly do it through DollarCost-Averaging (DCA) and diversification based on certain criteria. Overall, I felt that you did a great job for this info- sharing session!


Presented and clearly explained in an easily digestible manner, backed up with relevant statistics Introduced the different roles/companies and their r/s with one another Highlighted the difference between funds, shares, active investment and passive investment which helped beginners like me. Also clearly stated the cons of certain practices and offered alternatives.


Really appreciated the effort in explaining how investment works. Didn’t know that I could do investing from as low as $200/month. Have always thought that I needed larger capitals in order to start. I also found your pace during the info session to be very comfortable and you were able to clearly explain the expectations I should have, based on my situation.

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