I graduated with a degree in environmental engineering and started out with very mundane roles related to my academic qualifications. I soon realised I needed a career that provided me with more empowerment, and one that allowed me to create a greater impact on the people around me. That was how I ended up in the financial advisory industry, and I have been in the business for 6 years now.

A role model to all women.
I believe this is one career that allows women to be greatly empowered. It is a career that rewards hard work regardless of who you are and without discrimination, and I strive to be a role model in this industry to encourage more women to join.

Find out your promise and strive to achieve it.
My promise is to continue serving my clients and share with my associates my relevant experiences in this career. I want to witness the growth in my associates and see that everyone around me can succeed alongside me as long as we all share our experiences and valuable life lessons.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
This career provides an equal opportunity for everyone. All we need is to take the first step forward. This might be a road less travelled, but the rewards are immense for those who keep working at it with sincerity and purpose.


8th Runner-up, Top Associate Director 2020

Million Dollar Round Table Unit (Ruby) 2021

AIA FA Prestige Club (Silver) 2024

AIA FA Pinnacle Club (Unit) 2022 and 2021

AIA FA Prestige Club (Titanium) 2022

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Personal Wealth Manager) 2022

International Dragon Award – Bronze Dragon Award (Manager Category) 2022

International Dragon Award – Bronze Dragon Award (Agent Category) 2022

100 IDA Team Award 2022

APFinSA Leadership Award 2022 – Diamond

Singapore Management Awards 2020 – Silver Group Award

Associate Estate Planning Practitioner (AEPP®️)

Associate Financial Planner (AFP)



Through the few sessions with Phoebe, I have increased awareness on how to divide and plan my finances, not just for the present but for future and eventually for my kids (If I decide to have any). I also learnt where to park my money smart in case unforeseen circumstances occur.

Phoebe is personalised, caters to my financial capability at different stages in my life, focuses on what I need and can afford versus just trying to sell me plans after plans. She’s genuine and spends time to explain the different plans, she does not rush through explanations and very willing to share more since I don’t understand a lot of the terms and jargons. She truly cares and what’s what all agents should aspire to be/do.

Catherine Lim

Phoebe is professional and helpful. She always does her best to understand and meet my financial planning needs. I am very happy with her service.


Phoebe is SOLID.

Sensitive to both what I need, what I can do with my money and situation and to me as a person.

Outstanding in monitoring my investments to guard against me losing my nest egg.

Loves to laugh and eat… which is something I really love too.. so we get along so so well.

Intelligent and informative and keeps abreast with the markets and changes in policies so I get informed too.

Damn cute. Haha. She is but, D is for the diligence and delightful efforts she puts into our friendship, and how she is more than just an insurance agent, but a good friend.


Phoebe has been helping me for more than 6 years now for all of my insurances, she has been a great help.

She is very professional, competent and detailed, at the same time friendly and patient. I am so thankful to her for taking care of nomination work of my policies, which she did completely beyond the call of duty.

She is a great person, which i guess you also echo. I wish her a successful career ahead.


Phoebe is a friend first… Then a financial consultant.

As a friend, she takes the time to listen and understand my needs. Without any judgements, she crafted suitable plans for me. It shows the great depth in the knowledge she has in the financial matters. Pheobe also made me feel so comfortable that that sometimes I don’t feel embarrassed to ask the silliest questions regarding financial matters.

I am thankful to have a friend as a consultant. She makes me feel confident and safe with her guidance and advice.💓

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