I joined AIA in July 2016, and my journey in financial advisory has been deeply intertwined with my passion for finance. Initially coming from a background in Hospitality Development at Wanda Beijing, I was drawn to the financial sector due to its dynamic nature and the profound impact it has on individuals’ lives.

The most formative experience in my early career was during the first six months, where I undertook comprehensive assessments of my clients’ financial situations. This not only allowed me to customise their financial plans, but also to see the direct impact of my work. A standout moment that deeply resonated with me was when I assisted a client who was diagnosed with cancer. Thanks to the proactive financial planning we had implemented, he was able to undergo necessary treatments without the added stress of financial strain. This incident not only highlighted the importance of what I do but also solidified my commitment to this career.

I believe that empathy is the most crucial trait for a financial consultant. It allows us to connect with clients on a deeper level, understand their unique situations, and tailor our advice to meet their specific needs. This connection is fundamental in building trust and fostering long-lasting relationships.

What keeps me motivated as a financial consultant and a leader is seeing the real-life benefits of my work. Whether it’s helping clients achieve their financial goals, securing their future, or providing them with the means to overcome personal challenges, the tangible outcomes of my efforts are what drive me. Knowing that I can make such significant impacts keeps me dedicated and continuously striving to enhance my advisory skills.

For those considering this profession, I advise that you focus on authenticity and the long-term perspective. When recruiting new financial consultants, I look for authenticity above all. This career is not about quick successes; it’s about building sustainable relationships based on trust and integrity. Authenticity in interactions with clients is essential as it lays the foundation for trust and successful partnerships, and this quality is crucial for building genuine relationships with clients.


AIA FA Prestige Club (Gold) 2024

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Personal Wealth Manager) 2024

Million Dollar Round Table 2024

LKCSB Bachelor of Business Management (BBM)

Certified Financial Planner, CFP®

Chartered Financial Consultant, ChFC®️/S

Associate Estate Planning Practitioner (AEPP®)

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1800 248 8000


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