I began my career as a financial consultant with AIA in September 2021. Prior to joining the financial sector, I dedicated my career to social work, focusing on eldercare and family support services. This role not only shaped my understanding of the challenges faced by many, especially the elderly, but also highlighted the impact of financial hardships on personal well-being. Witnessing these challenges firsthand motivated me to pursue a career where I could directly address such issues by helping individuals plan for their futures comprehensively. This career allows me to blend my passion for community service with the ability to provide for my family and contribute positively to others’ lives.

A standout memory in my financial advisory career was when I organised a volunteer event at my former workplace involving my colleagues at AIAFA. We spent the day making mooncakes, playing games, and distributing gifts to the elderly residents. The joy and appreciation evident in their smiles deeply touched me and reaffirmed my commitment to this career path. Additionally, sponsoring regular birthday meals for the elderly has brought continuous joy into my life, making each effort more rewarding.

My primary motivation comes from my family and my desire to improve the lives of the elderly I grew so fond of during my social work days. The ability to better provide for my loved ones, enhance my previous clients’ quality of life, and ensure a secure future for all is what drives me every day. This dual focus on family and community keeps me passionately engaged in my work as a financial consultant.

My experiences also underscore the importance of empathy in financial consultancy. Understanding and sharing the feelings of others help in building strong, trust-based relationships with clients. It enables me to provide personalised advice that truly meets their needs and addresses their concerns, which is essential for their financial and emotional well-being.

For those considering this profession, remember that genuine care for clients’ interests combined with professional integrity is the cornerstone of success in financial consultancy. It’s not merely about selling products but about providing solutions that genuinely improve lives.


AIA FA Prestige Club (Titanium) 2024

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Personal Wealth Manager) 2024

Million Dollar Round Table 2024

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