I majored in the hospitality business at the Singapore Institute of Technology, but the career progression that comes with a financial consulting career, as well as the scalability of the business, made me decide to explore the financial advisory industry.

Strive to improve the lives of the people around you.
One of my many career goals is to provide a higher standard of living not just for my family, but for my friends as well. Just as you’re able to succeed in this business, you’ll also derive a lot of satisfaction from witnessing your loved ones succeeding alongside you.

Trust the process.
After experiencing the industry for 2 years, it’s not an easy journey at all. But new financial consultants should keep working hard and trust the process. Remember your true purpose and always give before you receive!

Be coachable.
I believe all financial consultants need to be coachable, and willing to learn in this business. It’s a long-term journey that requires you to constantly upskill, and there are also plenty of valuable lessons to be learnt from your mentors as well as your clients from all walks of life. Come in with an open mind!


AIA FA Prestige Club (Platinum) 2024 and 2022

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Personal Wealth Manager) 2024

AIA Centurion Club 2021

Million Dollar Round Table 2024, 2022 and 2021

International Dragon Award – Bronze Dragon Award (Agent Category) 2024, 2022 and 2021

100 IDA Team Award 2024, 2022 and 2021

Associate Estate Planning Practitioner (AEPP®️)



What made me realize that Sam was going to be a great fit for me might be a little cliche but it was his honesty. 

Why do I say that? I’ve listened to many advisors and I mean many and even though almost all were friends of mine, I never really felt comfortable with any of them. Some were hard sellers some were just looking for a payday.

Sam was one of the few that stood out. It is really difficult to see through people as we all know. And when I first reconnected with him i was surprised to see a man that wears his heart on his sleeve and actually wants you to manage and grow your finances whether with him or with another advisor. 

Knowledge sharing was his number 1 objective and that is what makes him who he is. When you see someone so passionate sharing all these ideas you can’t help but think that this is the right advisor for me.

Long story short, you can see through this guy which makes him the number 1 advisor to walk this journey with you.


Insurance agents had alot of bad rep of pushing products, I have personal insurance covered already and needed someone who was knowledgeable in finance and investment to advise me on what to do with my money. I was really interested in investing because had the fear of missing out after following financial news about stock prices for certain companies in the green everyday.

Sam was really genuine and offered me his help and even meeting my mum (in financial background) and assuring her of his care for his clients. I was conversing with Sam about his background and work attitude and was convinced that he was the financial partner that I need. He wasn’t pushy or annoying as the stereotype goes; Sam is super grounded and available to advice and hear out financial woes or interests. I’m incredibly excited to be working with him to build a better financial stability for myself and my future!


Having bought some other policies from other insurance agents, I realised that they would not keep in contact with their clients after securing a deal.

However, Sam was different. He made it very transparent about my investment plan and checked if I have enough funds to invest before proceeding. He explains clearly about the plan that I am interested in and how it would be beneficial for me in the long run.

It comforts me to know that my money is in good hands as he regularly updates me about my invesment.


I knew Sam since secondary sch and I must say, till now nothing much have changed, still talking lots but I guess that helped him to get him to where he is today, being more confident in his capabilities and striving for excellence when he set his goals straight. I chanced upon him much later in life, and am glad that I managed to catch up with him still, and have him to help me with my insurance and portfolio and stuff. he’s reliable and will always try to help and cater to his customers’ needs. I really admire his never ending energy to work and provide the best service for his friends and family. thanks for making time to serve us. always appreciate your well thoughts for us!


Having known and met many financial consultants, but in the end I chose Sam as I can definitely see the difference: he aren’t as pushy, he is knowledgeable and genuinely wants to help his clients in their financial goals. Thumbs up as well for the various giveaways and the small little efforts that he puts in, appreciates it 🥳 I felt that I have met a new friend, instead of just a consultant.

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