I embarked on my journey as a financial consultant with AIA in November 2005. Prior to joining AIA, I worked as a pharmaceutical laboratory technician after graduating from Singapore Polytechnic. Being the eldest in a modest family, I entered the workforce early to support my parents financially. My career shift to financial consulting was initially an experiment to see if it suited me, driven by a desire to find work that could potentially offer greater financial rewards and personal fulfillment. Nineteen years later, I am still passionate about the profession I somewhat stumbled into.

The most rewarding aspect of my career has been the long-term relationships I’ve built with clients. Witnessing and supporting clients through various life stages — from singlehood and marriage to parenthood and beyond — has been profoundly satisfying. A particularly memorable moment was my 40th birthday, which some clients’ children celebrated by singing to me, highlighting the deep personal connections I’ve fostered over the years.

My ultimate career goal is to achieve the Court of the Table (COT). Having been nominated as an MDRT Chief Ambassador two years ago, I am motivated by a leadership role that exemplifies excellence and dedication. Achieving COT is not just a personal milestone but also a way to set a standard of excellence and to give back to the industry that has given me so much.

New consultants should focus on building a solid foundation through integrity and sound advice. Listening to managers, seeking mentors, and continuously learning are crucial steps for success. Applied knowledge is power in this industry. The late Alice Dawn, a former COT member, was a significant influence in my career. She mentored me like a daughter, teaching me the nuances of confident presentation and client interaction. Her guidance was instrumental in shaping the consultant and leader I am today.


AIA Centurion Club 2024

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Personal Wealth Manager) 2024

Court of the Table – Qualifying & Life Member 2024

Associate Financial Planner or AFP®


Rachel Loh

I know from experience!! Karen Faith is da best!!

Reuben Lee

Faith is a faithful and trustworthy financial planner, always endeavouring to meet my financial planning needs by offering sound advice and working within the budget set for her. Her integrity being of high professional priority she puts in much effort to help her clients understand their contracts without hiding behind legal jargon.


I had extremely bad experiences with 2 Insurance agents with AIA past years and was quite skeptical to engage a new agent from the same company. Now, I am very pleased to say that for the past 10.5 yrs, Karen Faith has given her best services and till now still does so – never fail to explain specifically for our insurance policies. Be it new or existing policies which we tend to forget. Her response and service to our enquiries and our claims process – Good and fast! Thanks to my 弟弟 introducing her to me! Thank u for being my one and only insurance agent! Highly recommended!!

PS: Furthermore, my policy premiums are pretty min.

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