I embarked on my journey as a financial consultant in February 2023, a profession that harmoniously aligned with my entrepreneurial spirit and passion for interpersonal connections. Previously, I ventured into the realm of entrepreneurship with a dropshipping business, which not only honed my skills in online commerce but also ignited my interest in financial management through self-taught investing strategies.

This experience was pivotal, teaching me the critical importance of financial literacy and the empowerment it brings. Through a mutual friend, I was introduced to the world of financial advisory — an arena that promised not just the thrill of social interaction but also the opportunity to make a significant impact on people’s financial health and future.

My ambition within this career is twofold: to attain the prestigious Court of the Table and to rise to the position of Associate Director by 2027, with an aim to also lead a robust team of 15 dedicated consultants. These goals are set not just as personal benchmarks but as milestones to further my ability to impact the community positively.

One of the most profound lessons I have learned so far is that financial advisory transcends the mere selling of financial products — it’s about facilitating the right financial decisions. Similar to a game of chess, each decision plays a critical role in defining one’s financial future. Understanding this has shaped my approach to consultations, focusing on informed, strategic decision-making rather than transactional interactions.

For newcomers to the industry, it’s vital to perceive this role as a partnership rather than a sales job. Effective financial solutions should be thoughtfully prescribed based on thorough assessments and mutual understanding, not merely sold. The essence of successful financial planning lies in collaboration and trust between the consultant and the client.


AIA FA Prestige Club (Titanium) 2024

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Personal Wealth Manager) 2024

Million Dollar Round Table 2024

International Dragon Award – Bronze Dragon Award (Agent Category) 2024



Gives me great life advice despite his age. Guan Wei is always on the ball and actively updates me on my investments, checks in on my financial health regularly, and how we can improve. He puts in layman terms for customers to understand financial advice. He is also very cheerful and breaks the ice very well, yet serious when working, and not too persistent but gets to the point. He is different because I have had a FA that quit after a few months and I guess I can really see he has a passion for this career, keeping himself updated with the times and his work so that he is able to answer any worrying questions that his clients might have. He is also a very detailed, attentive person and knows where his priorities are.


Not your typical financial advisor. He’s not just an advisor; he’s a teacher and a friend on your financial journey. What sets him apart is his approach – he’s not pushy like some advisors can be. Guan Wei takes the time to truly understand my financial goals and concerns, and he patiently explains complex terms in a way that is simple and easy to understand. With his expertise and guidance, I’ve achieved financial stability without feeling pressured into any decisions.

Jia Qi

Guan Wei is a very transparent FA and I can feel that he cares for his client’s benefit and welfare. Very assuring and confident in his planning which in turns also gives his clients that assurance. Very detailed in his planning and also very flexible so you can feel relaxed and comfortable to talk about your finances and adjust your planning with him. Overall, the talk and the planning is a 10/10!


Extremely dedicated to his job, which helps me put my faith in him and also trust him to help me manage my money effectively 🙂 Guan Wei is very patient and helpful, and takes time to understand what do i need for both insurance and investment. since i just started working full-time, it is important for me to be able to manage my salary effectively and he’s definitely good at helping me to do so – advising me on budgeting as well as what amounts to portion into insurance and investing would work best for my current expenditure habits. he is good at explaining the various insurance plans and helping me to understand which would enable me to get the coverage i want, and for investments he is able to clearly recommend based on my risk appetite.


Very professional Financial Advisor who is very knowledgeable and is always very passionate to serve his clients. With his great passion, this will only translate to great service that he will render on his clients including myself and I am very happy to have Guan Wei as my Financial Advisor as I know that he always has my best interest at heart.

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