Before joining the financial advisory industry in 2022, I was a childcare teacher. Whilst the job was fulfilling and meaningful, I felt stifled by the rigid management and was constantly unhappy with the unfair way things were towards teachers. At the time, I was approached by my Director to explore a career in financial advisory.As an avid believer in insurance and protection, it was an easy decision for me. I wanted to explore a career that is meaningful and challenging for me; one that can take me out of my comfort zone. And the rest is history.

The most rewarding moment in my career thus far was when I had the opportunity to invite my parents to my agency’s Chinese New Year dinner. During the dinner, awards were given to advisors to recognise their efforts and results in 2022. My parents were hesitant about my career switch but supported my decision anyway. Having them there to witness my awards meant a great deal to me as it was a testament to my hard work and success in my first year as an advisor.

I think the most important trait all financial advisors should have is the ability to think from the prospect’s perspective. Only then will we be able to relate and resonate with the difficulties and hesitance from the prospect’s point of view.

To those who are looking to join the financial advisory industry, do your due diligence and find an agency that matches your vibe and aligns with your values. This may be a self-employed industry but it takes a village to raise a child. Having a trusty and nurturing mentor who works well with you plays an important role in your success.


AIA FA Prestige Club (Titanium) 2024 and 2023
Million Dollar Round Table 2024 and 2023

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