Since joining AIAFA in June 2023, my journey as a financial consultant has been both challenging and enriching. Transitioning from a seven-year career in taxation to financial consultancy was driven by my desire to have a meaningful impact on people’s lives, which my previous job did not fulfill. I wanted a career that not only challenged me intellectually but also offered personal growth and the opportunity to genuinely help people manage their financial lives.

The most rewarding experience in my career so far involve the collective efforts of my team, and witnessing the agency working as a team towards a goal greater than ourselves.

What keeps me driven is the potential impact of each client interaction. Whether it’s a small policy adjustment or a comprehensive financial plan, each step is crucial and contributes to the larger goal of financial security. The satisfaction and trust of my clients are paramount and seeing tangible results of my advice keeps me motivated.

My career goal is to cultivate a community where individuals are empowered to live fearlessly through secure financial foundations. Achieving this means not only reaching out to more people but also continuously enhancing my skills and knowledge to provide the best advice possible.

I attribute my success thus far to discipline, which I believe is the cornerstone for any successful financial consultant. It’s not just about adhering to a set schedule, but maintaining the self-control to consistently apply rigorous standards of analysis and ethical practice in every client interaction. This trait ensures that I remain dedicated to the long-term success and satisfaction of my clients.


AIA FA Prestige Club (Titanium) 2024

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Senior Personal Wealth Manager) 2024

Million Dollar Round Table 2024

Bachelor of Business (Banking & Finance)

Bachelor of Accountancy

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1800 248 8000


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