I joined the financial advisory industry in August 2017, when I was a business management student at Singapore Management University (SMU) between my second and third year. My journey into finance was not planned; initially, I was seeking an internship to fulfill my academic requirements but discovered a profession that perfectly aligned with my passion for helping others financially.

My decision to become a financial consultant was solidified by my personal background and the understanding of the importance of financial security, which I realized was crucial for everyone, especially those not from affluent backgrounds. This career has not only allowed me to assist my friends and family in securing their financial futures but has also positioned me as a trusted advisor within my community at a relatively young age of 28.

One of the most memorable moments in my career thus far was a challenging case involving a newborn’s insurance application. The client, who had a pre-existing condition but whose baby was conceived through IVF, faced immediate policy rejection. After about 6-10 months of persistent efforts and collaboration with the underwriters, I succeeded in getting the policy approved. This experience not only reinforced my resolve to serve my clients’ best interests but also highlighted the importance of perseverance and good relationships within the industry.

My greatest goal is to ensure that every individual in Singapore is educated about finance and has access to the tools they need to manage their financial journey effectively. I aspire to extend this education through schools or platforms that make financial literacy accessible to all, ensuring that future generations are well-prepared to make informed financial decisions.

The most important trait for a financial consultant, in my opinion, is genuineness coupled with a strong desire to put clients first. This profession is not merely about selling; it’s about genuinely wanting to help people manage their risks and secure their futures. Being coachable and open to learning is also critical, as the financial landscape is ever-evolving.

For anyone considering a career in this field, remember that your attitude is key. You don’t need to be an extrovert or a salesperson at heart; what you need is a genuine desire to help and a willingness to learn and grow within the industry.


AIA FA Prestige Club (Titanium) 2024
Million Dollar Round Table 2024
Bachelors of Business Management (SMU)

Certificate in Retirement Adequacy Planning (Cert. REAP)

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