Prior to joining the financial advisor industry in 2022, I held various temp jobs from administration to a bank teller as none of these roles gave me the fulfilment I was seeking. Since becoming a financial consultant, not only have I become more financially literate as a personal benefit, I have realised my true career calling and have never looked back since making the decision to join this industry.

The best memory of my career so far would be when I met my mentor, Chris, who is now my Associate Director as well as the father of my son. He has been a big influence, having changed my life for the better financially and spiritually. He has taught me so much, while always being patient, and he always reminds me and the younger FCs to take good care of our clients and in turn, our clients will take care of our business. Through him, I learnt the meaning of being a good FC and even now, he still amazes me when we go for appointments together and I learn from him.

I view my role not merely as a job but also be a friend to all our clients and I am glad that many of my clients have turned into very good friends. The trust and belief my clients place in me keeps me motivated as a FC and I remind myself to always be responsible and to be the most relevant, relatable and reliant FC to my clients. After-sales service is equally important, as it’s the small things that count, so I always strive to be responsive and efficient in claims no matter the size of their portfolio. Applying my own life experiences also helps me connect and relate to my clients, which in turn allows me to provide the right solutions for their needs – as a young mother, I am able to share my own experiences with clients who are going through a similar life stage. My mother suffered from breast cancer so I am also able to relate and share the importance of early critical illness plans and how they can positively impact us during times of need.

Whilst this industry is not a bed of roses, there are its many benefits and one should only take the plunge if they are prepared to take hardship at the start, be willing to hustle and work hard in the beginning and trust that the results will present themselves in time. Recruitment is never easy, especially recruiting the right people who are like-minded and resilient, and I favour seeking those who are hardworking and willing over other talents, as I believe that anyone can do well as long as they are willing to.


AIA FA Prestige Club (Titanium) 2024

AIA FA Prestige Club (Diamond) 2023

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Personal Wealth Manager) 2023

Million Dollar Round Table 2024 and 2023

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