I embarked on my journey with AIA in April 2006, shortly after graduating from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and a year-long stint as a Business Development Associate in the Building & Infrastructure industry. That initial corporate experience made me realise that my true calling was in a career that could blend my passions for finance and meaningful personal interactions.

My transition to AIA Financial Advisers as a district in January 2023 marked a new chapter in my career. Now a Senior Financial Services Consultant and aspiring manager, my commitment to providing holistic financial planning with a personal touch has only deepened. Inspired by a senior from my school days, I saw the profound impact that attentive and personalized financial advice could have on individuals and families. This inspired me to make a difference in the lives of others by becoming a part of their journey through work, personal life, or family matters.

In my career spanning over a decade so far, one of my most rewarding experiences has been managing accounts for families spanning up to four generations. These families have not only entrusted me with their financial planning but have also welcomed me as one of their own. The depth of these relationships was highlighted when members from these families supported me during my father’s wake last year.

What keeps me motivated is the beauty of building these meaningful relationships and being an integral part of my clients’ lives. The privilege of sharing in their real-life experiences has accelerated my personal growth and development, enriching my life in ways I had never anticipated.

In my view, the most crucial trait for a financial consultant is empathy, coupled with a genuine care for people. Our business thrives on the quality of the relationships we build, making it essential to approach each interaction with heart and understanding.

For those considering a career in this profession, my advice is to find the right mentor and team; ones who share your values and are committed to your growth. The mentorship and community you choose can significantly influence your career trajectory in this business.

When recruiting new financial consultants, I look for individuals who exhibit a willingness to learn and grow. This industry is constantly evolving, and a proactive attitude towards personal and professional development is key to thriving in this rewarding career.


AIA Centurion Club 2024

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Executive Personal Wealth Manager) 2024

Court of the Table 2024
BSc (Hons) Economics

Certified Financial Planner (CFP®️)

Associate Estate Planning Practitioner (AEPP®️)


Shuxian, HR manager

Roh Ting always goes the extra mile. An appreciation to Rohting – my favourite financial consultant and a very dear friend! Rohting always goes the extra mile to show her care & concern to ensure me & my family are well covered medically & financially. She updates very promptly whenever there are regulatory changes resulting in changes in policy and takes the effort to always explain in layman terms so that we can understand the full implications and make a sound decisions. The relationship goes beyond just transactional but sincere and real concern over our family well-being. Rohting is always there to support when either myself or family members are unwell and need insurance coverage or even provide medical contacts for reference, claims are processed very promptly as well. I don’t know how she does it but really very impressed on how she also make sure she regularly check in and ensure she is updated on what’s going on in my family and myself. She will also always remember significant occasions and happenings for me & family. This definitely comes from someone who has a very big heart as well as a big memory capacity! Love this friend of mine dearly and big hugs to you Roh Ting Seah! Thank you for being YOU!

Suru, Engineer

Roh Ting is very passionate and knowledgeable. Rewind to the first time when we first met, I wasn’t too enthusiastic about understanding the benefits of getting insurance. However, Roh Ting did not come across as a “pushy” agent and I could feel her passion in wanting to help me get a suitable insurance and coverage based on my needs and means. Roh Ting’s people-oriented personality and her ability to listen and offer pragmatic options made me changed my mind – that insurance is not optional but an option. Fast forward to today, I never regretted taking up insurance with Roh Ting, and we’ve even become really good friends who share life experiences and celebrate each other’s milestones. If you have doubts about insurance or unsure about how to get started, I would 100% recommend you to connect with Roh Ting for a chat!

Liang Hong, Civil Servant

Roh Ting is very genuine and reassuring. I was introduced to Roh Ting in 2018 by my cousin and she has been servicing my insurance portfolio since then. Roh ting never come across as pushy and has been genuinely sharing her experiences on various financial planning ideas and tools to help me achieve my financial goals. She is also very proactive in sharing useful webinars on investment ideas and keep clients updated on policy changes. When I was hospitalised for a minor health scare in 2023, she was very prompt in answering my questions and was assuring. This allowed me to focus on recovering. I am very thankful to have Roh Ting as a trusted advisor and friend.

Althea, HR manager

Roh Ting is most upfront and candid & who understands my needs. My insurance policies have always been handled by Roh Ting since I started working. What I like about her is that she tries to explain details in layman terms and patient when answering all my silliest questions. She is always there if you have a random question, just drop her a message and she will get back. She is one of the most upfront and candid agent which I appreciate. I have grown to understand what coverages and plans are critical for me at different points of time in my life through Roh Ting. Thankful for Roh Ting, I am in good hands.

Irene, Senior PA

Ask her anything and she gives good advice. Amazingly, I made my decision to buy the resale flat from Roh Ting’s advice and that was the best buy! Just ask her anything. Be it insurance, CPF investment, LPA & WILL, kids career choice, courses to attend and she will give you some options. Love the positive vibes and energy she brings with her everytime we meet!

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