Even back in my youth, I dreamt of starting a business that would bring joy to those around me. Prior to becoming a financial consultant, I was a military career soldier in the Commando formation. I believe that those years in the Commandos built a strong foundation for my work in financial consultancy. Other than building physical and mental strength, being in the special force has also taught me to be the team player I am today.

My proudest accolades include being a member of the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) in 2019, 2020 and 2021, as well as winning the International Dragon Award (IDA) – Bronze Dragon Award 2019, 2020 and 2021. (Producer category).


Empowering those around me to succeed.

The satisfaction I get when I can coach and mentor others to be better than me, in terms of performance, attitude and income is one of the key drivers that keep me motivated. I also take pride in assisting my friends and clients to achieve their goals. This spurs me to constantly challenge myself to improve my knowledge and abilities, to be able to impact others positively. “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want”; this is my philosophy in this business.


Being a friend whom my clients can trust.

My clients see me as a friend who is not only interested in recommending financial solutions, but also interested in their well-being by sharing ‘lobangs’ (resources and opportunities) to them such as promotions, future plans and other value-adding solutions in their lives. Sometimes, I am also the listening ear, where my clients can share their problems and troubles with full confidence in my discretion.

My biggest unique selling point is that I am not just a financial consultant to my clients, but also a confidante, son, friend, brother, and a listening ear. My advice does not only add value to my clients financially but in all other areas of life as well.


Building a business that goes beyond financial advisory.

I consider my biggest strength to be my sincere commitment in doing my best to make sure that everyone I cross paths with become a better person, not only in financial aspect, but also physically, mentally, and emotionally. I believe that I do not just want my business in financial advisory to only be about providing financial solutions, but also to be about offering useful solutions in others’ lives in different aspects.


Maintaining excellence even in the face of new challenges.

My proudest achievement so far would be to successfully mentored a 21-year-old, new associate in my team to achieve his very first international award in the financial planning space in 2020. 2020 was a year of much challenge, with the Covid-19 pandemic and instability around the world. To be able to play a part in grooming someone to excellence is a testament to one of my most loved quotes; “Invest in people, people will invest in you.”


AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club 2021 and 2020 – Personal Wealth Manager

AIA FA Prestige Platinum Club 2020

Million Dollar Round Table 2019 – 2021

International Dragon Award 2019 – 2021 – Bronze Dragon Award (Agent Category)

100 IDA Team Award 2019 – 2021

Precept’s Estate and Succession Practitioner (ESP)

Associate Estate Planning Practitioner (AEPP®)

Certificate in Financial Needs Analysis and Plan Construction (Cert FPC)

Institute of Banking and Finance Qualified (Relationship Management – Private Banking)

Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Finance



Finding a good job is easy but finding a good mentor is hard.

I am fortunate to be able to learn the ropes under Johnson in AAG. Johnson is a very caring mentor and he will spend extraordinary efforts to not only increase your competency but also to ensure your well-being. Johnson also recognizes that different people learn differently so he will make sure his training is customized to suit different profiles. Johnson places a lot of emphasis on values and always inspires the people under him to be the best version of themselves. I am very grateful for everything that he has done for me and he’s a huge factor why I enjoy being a financial advisor in AAG so much.


I met Johnson on his birthday, in January this year. Then, I was the kind of guy who detested the insurance industry. The reason why I came down for Founder’s Night was because of my friend. From what I heard from the friend, he’s a very earnest and “up” guy who’s doing well and is worthy of being our mentor.

The line that I still remember till today that was a contributing factor to why I joined was this: “today u don’t have to believe in the 3 speakers because they can be lying to you. Go and talk to the other 700 associates in AAG, if they can tell the same story, then there should be some truth in what we preach.”

Throughout my journey thus far in AAG, Johnson was always a brotherly figure to me. I wouldn’t be here today without him because he’s always there to recharge his associates’ “batteries” when they are down, especially when they are new.

Johnson is also the person who showed me the definition of “if you want to do it anything can be done.”

Johnson treats sales as an art, whereby it’s all about relationship building. He has insane level of rapport building skills and I still have no idea how he does it. Will look forward to continue learning and growing alongside Johnson.


Recently I finally decided to commit into getting some insurance and saving plans. It so happens that my primary school friend Johnson is a financial advisor, and wanted to share about financial planning.

Usually I would reject requests like this because I simply don’t have the ability to commit and I don’t like them to be pushy, but now that I’ve started working, I would like to know more.

We had quite a long session not because of him pushing all the products he has to me, but because he tailor-made a plan to my needs and ascertained my ability to commit, so as to truly benefit me in the future.

When questions were asked, he also explained very well. He also helps to check and verify what plan I already have (parents bought it for me), their benefits and explained them, and with that he mentioned it’s not required to get a hospitalization plan from him, which comes to my second point about being pushy.

Don’t worry he is not, that’s why if anyone wants to know more or is interested, you can drop him a message or let me know if you can’t get in contact with him!


It’s never easy when it comes to the topic of financial commitments, but I’m glad I met Johnson, who is not only helpful, patient but makes efforts to cater to every question/doubt that I have to ensure that I was assured and comfortable with his proposals.

He also made many adjustments in order to closely match the criteria/concerns on my mind and forked out way more time than he should/could to answer my clarifications.

If anyone does intend to start your financial planning, please do not hesitate to message him or contact me to get more information! Awesome adviser, awesome planning and awesome future ahead!


I’m not that great with numbers. And I love spending on Miya (My beloved dog) and myself. I know I have to save for some distant future, but I don’t know how. And then here comes Johnson, one of my army friends! Knowing how little I currently have, he was able to work out a plan, getting me to save and possibly receive a bigger return in years to come!

Throughout the whole process, he was very detailed and patient, carefully explaining what is necessary and what can wait until a few years later when I have more stability. I see stars when I have to count money and interests, but somehow Johnson managed to help me see less stars . He’s legit good. Long story short – find him Johnson Soh Swee Kiat (Facebook) or @suruiji (Instagram) if you need insurance or financial planning. He gives chocolates!

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