I was given the opportunity to explore the financial advisory industry when an NUS Business School senior invited me to an exclusive entrepreneurship workshop featuring his self-made millionaire mentor. My paradigm shifted when I met that mentor, who gave me enlightening perspectives on personal development and entrepreneurship which were refreshingly different from the entrepreneurship modules I attended in school and business programmes I’ve invested in. I discovered how I could get a head start as a student in my career, business and life through learning about the profession and essential skills such as networking, sales and leadership. More importantly, the abundant mentorship here has groomed me in my character and values towards growing into a better person, son and leader to the people around me. I see myself growing more, and wish to help others grow as well, and that’s why I eventually married this carer. This business has brought me to places I’ve never been before and impacted my life tremendously, and I wish to be able to do the same for others.


Come up with creative solutions.
Personally, I focus a lot on personal development and entrepreneurship, which allowed me to constantly improve myself and innovate my financial advisory know-how. This has allowed me to devise creative solutions to better educate my clients, such as writing my own adulting guide (The Simple Wallet) to help them simplify personal finance and adulting, as well as video content to share with them useful frameworks and principles in finding clarity in the planning of their life including finances.

Take the leap of faith.To all incoming financial consultants, I would advise you to take the leap of faith and explore for at least 2 years to truly understand if this is for you. This is not a dream profession of many, but it has helped many achieve their dreams.

Go back to your purpose.
Beyond just professional and personal growth, I envision raising the standards of financial advisory as a whole, so that all financial consultants would be well known, well-liked and well respected by everyone in the future. We need to give the people around us that assurance that someone would be there for them in times of need, to give them peace of mind and make their lives better off than before.


AIA FA Prestige Club (Titanium) 2024, 2023 and 2022

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Personal Wealth Manager) 2024

AIA FA Prestige Club (Platinum) 2021

Million Dollar Round Table 2024, 2023, 2022 and 2021

International Dragon Award – Bronze Dragon Award (Agent Category) 2024, 2023, 2022 and 2021

100 IDA Team Award 2024, 2023, 2022 and 2021

NUS Bachelors of Business Administration (Innovation & Entrepreneurship)

Diploma in Personal Financial Planning (DPFP)


Vanessa Ho

I met Jing An through NUS Entrepreneurship Society and ventured into creating university videos to help university freshman and students. Initially I avoided and was intimidated by financial planning as I had no prior knowledge but knew it was important. However, when I saw Jing  An wrote and launched his adulting guide The Simple Wallet for millennials like me, I got a copy which encouraged me to start learning to invest seriously and optimise my savings. Through consultations with Jing An, I understood my personal finances, lifestyles and goals clearly through his cashflow analysis and portfolio summary before recommending any financial products. I felt he was readily available when I have big or small questions which eventually made me choose to kickstart my adulting journey with him through my own financial portfolio crafted. I highly recommend Jing An because he is always on the ball and is a listener more than a salesperson, and ultimately a good friend and motivator as well.

Valerie Chua

Through Jing An, I have learnt more about the different insurance products available in the market as well as how it suits different needs as a student. I chose Jing An as my financial consultant as I could sense his sincerity in wanting to help young adults like myself to learn how to better manage our finance. Unlike other agents, he gives us time to ponder upon the options and do not hard-sell. He would also recommend plans that would both suit our needs and be within our means. He was also very patient in explaining the different financial products and answering our queries. What really sets him apart is his honesty and sincerity!

Jeanette Tan

As a fresh graduate who has just started work, I appreciate his sharing on how to plan my finances. I also appreciated how he was patient in explaining the different insurance plans to me and working with me to decide one which best suit my needs. I chose Jing An as my financial consultant as I saw how willing he was to share his knowledge with others, particularly university students who have just graduated/are about to graduate. This made me feel assured that he will be genuine in wanting to share financial management tips with me. As someone who may be at a similar life stage, I also felt that he will be able to understand the concerns of a newly working adult.

Samouel Tan

Through Jing  An, I gained a lot more insights into how I can better manage my income and funds to let my money work for me. I trust him as my financial consultant as we’ve been buddies since NS and looking at how much he has invested in himself made me confident of his capabilities in this industry. Also, it makes me feel ‘safer’ when someone I know is handling my portfolio.

Linus Tan

As a startup founder, I feel Jing An is able to relate to me and understand my needs clearly during my consultation with him because of his entrepreneurship background. I eventually chose him as my financial consultant even though I know many friends in the line as well because I believe he would plan in my best interests as well as continue to excel this career. I appreciated how even after the sale, he constantly strived to value add me, even beyond financial planning, such as to my business and personal life. Ultimately, Jing An is a reliable and trustworthy consultant and friend who goes beyond and above for his clients and people he care about, and highly recommend his services to everyone especially students, graduates and young working adults.

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