I entered the financial advisory industry upon graduation. It was definitely not my initial career choice; I only knew I wanted a job that would allow me to make a difference in the lives of others. I wanted a career that enables great personal growth, and allows me to provide for my parents as well.

I chanced upon my mentor who said to me: “You have a gift. I see that you are someone who others can trust and feel very comfortable with. You could be the bridge between people and financial services. After all, everyone needs financial planning, but they need someone who they can trust and work with. That could be you.”

After hearing his words, I decided to take the leap of faith into financial consulting.


Stay humble and work hard.

I am blessed with many great mentors throughout my journey. Sunny Yap is one of them. He has always reminded me to stay humble, work hard, and the future ahead will be glorious. With that in mind, I always keep myself in check. Throughout the years, I’ve always placed great emphasis on my work ethics and relationship with clients, friends and colleagues. 

Today, after being in the industry for 20 over years, Sunny is still the most focused in all meetings, taking down notes, providing the best support to everyone around. That, to me, means so much as a role model. 


Everyone deserves sound financial planning.

I come from a humble family background — my parents ran a chicken rice stall and slogged all their lives to bring up my siblings and I. They were prudent, but even so, they were not the best in financial health.

As a result of my upbringing, I believe that everyone, regardless of background, needs sound and proven financial planning advice to guide them through their various life stages.

I am thankful for clients who have shared with me their life journeys with great openness, thereby allowing me to tap on their experiences to plan even better for the rest.


Serve from your heart and you’ll never need to worry about anything that comes in your way. 

I’ve always lived with this motto. If I have to write down my biggest goal so far, it has to be completing the Industry-recognised Court of the Table 2021. It’s not about the award, but about the personal growth in the journey of it. Last year was a pandemic year, and many of my clients, friends and colleagues were unequipped to navigate the challenges it brought about. I wanted to be that beacon of light to everyone around me by demonstrating tenacity and empathy.


Have empathy. 

Regardless of industry, serve from your heart and the universe will take care of the rest. In today’s era, technical excellence is a given. What is often missing is the word that is commonly heard but not present — empathy. There is no right or wrong way of expressing empathy. It is simply listening, holding space, withholding judgement, emotionally connecting with the person, or sending the message, “You are not alone”. In my opinion, this is probably the “secret ingredient” to being an extraordinary consultant. 

Besides providing sound and proven financial advice, be a friend, be a daughter/son, be a listening ear and be a cheerleader to your clients.


9th Runner-up, Top Financial Consultant 2023 and 2022
AIA Centurion Club 2024, 2023, 2022 and 2021

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Senior Personal Wealth Manager) 2024, 2023 and 2021

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Executive Personal Wealth Manager) 2022

AIA FA Prestige Club (Platinum) 2019, 2018 and 2017

Court of the Table 2024, 2022 and 2021

International Dragon Award – Bronze Dragon Award (Agent Category) 2024, 2023 and 2022

100 IDA Team Award 2024, 2023, 2022 and 2021

Million Dollar Round Table 2023

International Dragon Award – Silver Dragon Award (Agent Category) 2021

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics & Economics

Associate Specialist in Estate Planning (ASEP)


Irene Lek & Jason Liau

We are super grateful to have Hui Min as our family financial consultant. Without a doubt, she comes across as someone who serves from her heart and maintains a professional relationship with her clients. We feel very comfortable with Hui Min as she will take time to understand our needs and put in her recommendations accordingly. She is also a great motivator and her positive vibes can be contagious!

Yelyn Yeo & Family

Hui Min is trustworthy, genuine, empathetic and reliable. She sincerely cares for my family and I, and is someone I know I can trust with my life. She puts our best interests at heart, and regularly takes time to personally explain and offer guidance and support based on her wealth of experience and knowledge. I truly value her as a consultant and beyond that, a friend, and am very grateful to have her in mine and my family’s lives. She has positively impacted us on so many levels, and is a brilliant role model for us as her clients, her colleagues, and for the industry as a whole. Should you ever get the opportunity to work with her, or to learn from her, I would highly recommend Hui Min without any reservation.

Yi Ling & Chen Zi

My family met Hui Min from an estate planning session a few years back and she has been the family FA ever since. She is responsible and responsive all the time, and truly cares for the family as well. Not to mention her professionalism where she manages the family insurance portfolio well and provides us tailored plans based on our family needs. There are many cases where my family had to put through hospitalisation or Critical illnesses claims and she would always help in a super timely manner. Sometimes, she would even be the one chasing us for claims documents! Thank you Hui Min!

Jaznale Ng

I met Hui Min when I was asked to be the executor of my cousin’s will.

Going the extra mile, she offered to help my family in our estate planning and that was the first time I was exposed to the world of financial planning and insurance. Hui Min has been an older sister figure in my life and guiding my every step towards adulthood like getting my finances planned out and insurance covered. I can tell she is someone who truly cares about the people around her and wish to help them succeed in their life by periodically checking in on us through our different life stages. It is rare to find a financial consultant that serves people with her heart and that is what we need more of in the insurance industry.

Anna Lim

Hui Min is very thoughtful and spends the effort to create easy to understand visuals and she also involving me in the process of planning as well. So it feels like a two way working relationship rather than just a “I feel you need this” relationship. She breaks things down such that it is easy to understand even for someone like me who knows nothing about financial planning. It also helps that we are in the same stage in life thus everything becomes very relatable. I am glad to have Hui Min’s help and am sure she will be able to help anyone is any stage of their life as well.

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