I studied business studies back at polytechnic before serving the nation as an emergency medical technician. The thought of being a financial consultant never crossed my mind until my adult years, as I was busy growing up and having fun without prior exposure to the industry in general. When I started doing my investments, my circle of friends approached me to ask me for investment advice too. That was when I realised that I should seriously consider financial advisory as a career, to better help those around me not just with their investments but also with their financial planning. That was when I started exploring this career with my own financial consultant, which further solidified my desire to become an exemplary one myself.

Creating a positive impact
I’ve always wanted to be an entrepreneur but realised that being a “businessman” was not as easy as it seemed, and I felt that I lacked the capital and the relevant skill sets to become a successful entrepreneur. I shifted my focus to being a full-time trader or investment banker instead, before chancing upon financial advisory as another option. Through my own financial consultant, I realised that I could leverage my own financial skill sets and knowledge to assist the people around me, which in turn brings me more career fulfilment. The idea of being able to change someone’s life through proper financial planning was something that I really liked.

Motivated by the future
The prospects that the future holds have always been an exciting outlook for me as I always wonder where I will be next time. Many people will say that we cannot predict the future, but I was never trying to predict the future. I am working hard today to decide my own future and not leave it to fate or destiny. I am the author of my own life, and I will improve not only my own future but also those around me to make the lives of our fellow men better. This is what keeps me motivated and convinced.

Be willing to endure hardship
The starting will always be the hardest for everyone who decides to join this career, but as long as we stay grounded and committed to the cause while working hard, good things will eventually happen. Come in with an open mind to learn and improve. Be open to listening to ideas while also sharing your own ones to improve not just yourself, but those around you too. You can move fast if you’re alone, but you can move further as a team, and this profession is a marathon that requires you to use stamina rather than speed.


AIA FA Prestige Club (Titanium) 2024

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Personal Wealth Manager) 2024

AIA FA Prestige Club (Titanium) 2022

Million Dollar Round Table 2024 and 2022

International Dragon Award – Bronze Dragon Award (Agent Category) 2024 and 2022

100 IDA Team Award 2024 and 2022



I have two perspectives on Mark: as my consultant and as his buddy. As a consultant, Mark works hard and is devoted to being there for you throughout the process and assuring that he will cater himself to be there to help you in your life or financial path. He is not confrontational, and he teaches us in the same manner as a teacher does. He is not your usual consultant who is just concerned with sales. The trust I have placed in him as a consultant is in someone who will be my adviser to guide and grow with me; as a person with poor financial habits, he is there to guarantee that my actions are not irresponsible, or even stupid. He is an agent whom I will introduce to those around me. Mark is a friend who will do what he says; if he says he will do something, he will achieve it 99 per cent of the time. This is based on what I’ve witnessed since I first met him when I was 17 years old. He is one of the most diligent people I know and a very sincere friend; he is constantly goal-oriented, and while some of his acts may appear reckless at first, if you grasp his perspective, they are usually justifiable and definitely the right decision.


Mark is an extremely dedicated financial consultant who is always willing to go the extra mile to help his clients. I appreciate the effort he puts into his work and have personally benefited from them. He is knowledgeable and always provides proper and objective advice about managing finances and investments. Mark is also very patient in explaining and answering any queries I may have. He is sincere and always has his client’s best interest at heart. Keep up the good work!


Hi Mark, Firstly, I’m thankful to have you as my financial advisor — to help me understand the importance of budgeting, investing and saving up. Secondly, I’ve always felt really amazed by the amount of passion you have for investment. Especially through all the online investment lessons you gave during the Covid-19 period, without being pushy about it. And for that, I felt that it was sufficient enough to have faith in you as my financial consultant. To trust that you will always want the best for all your clients, to know what are the right policies to introduce to them. This is something that makes you stand out from the rest. Please continue to have that passion burning to allow more people to benefit from your service!!! I will continue to introduce my friends & family to you. Jiayou and all the best okay!!


Hi Mark, I just want to say thank you for taking your time to talk to me about financial planning. I am a person who used to hate FAs but after meeting you, I realized that not all FAs are bad. You took your time to share with me your knowledge and I’m thankful for it. I asked so many questions and yet you can answer me so confidently all the time. I would strongly recommend anyone to look for someone as solid and steady as you. Looking forward to continuing our journey as a client and a brother.


The Mark I know has always been someone who is hardworking and driven. Although he is busy most of the time, we are still able to go out for meals and play some computer games together once in a while. He knows how to balance his work and personal life. He has always been someone who was passionate about his work and that is why I trusted him with my financial portfolio. Unlike other agents that I have met who are pushy and product paddlers, Mark takes the time and effort to explain clearly about my finances and does not act unprofessionally in our business talks even though we are close friends. He was a friend first, then a consultant. This is why I entrust him with my portfolio because most people try to be a salesperson first, then a friend. With this, I wholeheartedly recommend Mark to others who are looking for a solid financial consultant who is hardworking, driven and sincere, while most importantly, someone who cares about forging a good relationship when it comes down to being friends and also doing business together.

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